SPP 092 – Thinking as a Long-Term Writer with Lindsay Buroker

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: After a false start last week, we got Lindsay Buroker on the show for this episode. Lindsay has been in self-publishing for long than we have and has been speaking on her blog about the industry and how-to and why-to and general -to sorts of things for authors for longer than we have. She's also somehow managed to develop a legion of loyal fans of her Emperor's Edge series who were numerous enough, devoted enough, and proactive enough to start up a fan forum to discuss her books and to write fan fiction. That's pretty cool. In this episode, one thing that kept coming up over and over was the idea that you can't think short-term in this business. The market will change, tactics will come in and out of favor, and the "now" solution isn't always the best solution. We get mired in what's happening this second, but you have to think like a businessperson and always remember that persistent writers are going to be writing for their whole lives. So you've got to plan that way. This show's transcript is available in full below the video, provided by our sponsor CaptionAccess. If you do any multimedia work at all, you need to be providing transcripts or captioning. Even setting aside the search engine benefits of transcripts, the deaf and hard of hearing market is huge, and almost nobody is serving them. Does that sound like an opportunity to anyone, in addition to making you a generally cool person or company?  You can view the video version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_FacwZGZF4 SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of  The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.