How to Communicate at a Subconscious Level

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Are you having problems getting your point across at work, at home, with friends? Do you find it hard to connect with people and build meaningful relationships? Clear communication is at the heart of everything we do yet so often we don’t achieve the results we desire. Very often this is because people have learnt how to talk and not necessarily how to communicate. In this episode of 'I Am Healing - Tapping Into the Infinate Power of Your Subconscious', Austin and Jo will share insights into how to communicate at a subconscious level so that you can begin to connect with yourself and other people in deeper and more empowering way. They will share powerful language patterns that you can begin to use straight away, offer 3 tips on how to become a supreme communicator and end with a reflection on how to understand and be understood. There is much more information about subconscious communication in Austin's 'I Am Healing' book which is available to buy on Amazon. If you would like to download the first chapter of his book for FREE simply visit the website and enter your email address.