Theological Legend Michael Welker on Constructive Christology

Tripp Fuller show

Summary: Who is Jesus Christ for us today?  Is there a way to even attempt to answer the question with intellectual credibility?  One of Germany's greatest theologians, Michael Welker, is on the podcast discussing his new book God the Revealed: Christology.  In the book and on the podcast we discuss the quest for the historical, theological engagement with the natural sciences, the cultural shifts in the church, atonement theories, our shared love of Whitehead, and a bunch of other nerdy bits of goodness. It was a real honor to get to talk with Dr. Welker.  I have read so many of his texts over the years & have long admired his work.  The creativity of mind and clarity in his writing are always impressive but in this conversation it was the depth of his faith and love of the church that struck me.  I hope you all enjoy the conversation as much as I did and share it far and wide so I can talk him into coming back on the podcast. *** If you enjoy all the Homebrewed Christianity Podcasts then consider sending us a donation via paypal. We got bandwidth to buy & audiological goodness to dispense. We will also get a percentage of your Amazon purchase through this link OR you can send us a few and get us a pint!***   Subscribe on iTunes Here!