Get In The Zone 02-01-2014 Now Archived


Summary: <a href=""></a><br> On this week’s edition of Get In The Zone, “BronxZilla” and AnthonyFarley kicked it off talking about TNA Impact.  With L-Train in contract negotiations, Anthony had to pull double duty and recap Impact for us.  This week saw the debut of MVP, formally of New Japan and the WWE, taking the roll of TNA investor, seemingly on the side of the Wolves.  Both hosts agreed that Impact was not too bad a show this week.  After the break, Bronxy ran down what he thought was an A+ edition of Smackdown, with an absolute clinic between Antonio Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler, which saw Antonio win and advance to the Elimination Chamber match.  Jack Swagger wasn’t as lucky.  The main event saw the Shield win yet another match, and HHH has set up a banging match for Raw, The Brotherhood VS The New Age Outlaws for the tag titles IN A STEEL CAGE!  Bronx then read some wrestling news, and of course it involved CM Punk and Sting!  Then, Bronx debuted a new segment, “Tell Me He Did Not Just Say That,” where he read some non-wrestling news stories, one of which prompted a rant.  The boys then ended the show with the future of wrestling angles “Written In The Stars.”<br>  <br>