#76 - Stop me if you've heard this one before

Something Wonky show

Summary: The Focus Group decides it’s time to pick a side, works hard for the money, and reports back from Davos. Tony Abbott claims ABC is anti Australian Some of the Coalition think the ABC is unfair Why does the ABC hate our navy? Coalition preparing us for ABC cuts : ABC & SBS Efficiency Study Past Tony Abbott doesn’t believe present Tony Abbott : And he’s making him look like a jerk over SPC Ardmona Navy to probe links to race hate groups Work for the Dole back on the agenda Abbott threatens Royal Commission into unions Ex-Coaltion MPs working as lobbyists Abbott’s Davos moment Plus, we discuss the proposal for marriage counselling vouchers. We introduce two new segments, in “The Review Review” we look at suggestions that IPA Director Alan Moran will be part of assessing the Renewable Energy Target - Wind Farms And “The Commission Commission” weighs up the value of free speech. Stop The Press reflects on the glory days of the Global Mail and asks “What’s next?” for independent media. Journalistic utopias don’t work The popular segment “Dave learns words” returns. This week, we look at the word “Indigenous”