Ep 74 Get Your Freak On Girl

The Self Indulgent Podcast show

Summary: To start the show, Andy T is a little sick and brags to Shaun about having his own office now after working at his job for 3 months.  The guys start ripping into Fritz for last weeks show.  Shaun talks about doing improv for charity and rants about how people shouldnt be donating money to needy animals when there are human kids that need help.  Shaun tears into Sarah Mclaughlin and her commercials.  The guys talk about their first experience with a bum in Chicago.  Shaun reads an email from a guy that says he's king and wants to book him on the show.  The guys listen to messages from Scotty Lew, Brud and an Animal lover.  Listener Mike calls in to talk about getting a zit on his taint.  The guys talk about their Halloween and weekend.  Andy T is mocked by kids.  Shaun goes to a bar where the band calls the crowd a bunch of "pussy faggots".  Shaun starts to kind of like kids and then his attitude is ruined when he gets annoyed by some trick or treaters in his apartment complex.  Shaun complains about not being able to find a gun for his cowboy costume.  Shaun defends slutty costumes.  Shaun is sick of guys in amateur porn because they're too loud and they just get in the way.  The guys have a new segment where they talk about whats trending in the past week.  They break down some audio of an alleged Judge Beating his daughter for downloading Kazaa on her computer.  They talk about Movember, Kim Kardashians divorce, the return of Beavis and Butthead and occupy Oakland getting tear gassed.  The guys talk about a woman that gave birth in a museum as performance art and Shaun lays into people that think they're artists.  The guys tear into Yoko Ono.  In work life, Shaun realizes he does more fake smiling than real smiling.  Shauns sick of the smells in the office.  Shauns office buys everyone pizza and gets on his good side.  Some people get a scolding for talking in the office.  The guys discuss why some guys are completely disgusted when they see penis.  To wrap the show, Andy T's news! 10 year old Trick or Treater pulls gun on a woman FBI now considers Juggalos a gang TSA worker left a note on a Sex Toy Man throws a Molotav Cocktail at a Taco Bell Man reports his date as a burglar when his girlfriend shows up at his house