Ep 89 I Love you Baby Bro

The Self Indulgent Podcast show

Summary: Shauns brother Soctty Lew sits in with the guys today.  Superfan Diekman calls in to talk about BMX XXX.  Shaun and Scott bicker a little bit.  The guys talk about Valetines day and Shaun asks Scott some sexual questions.  Shaun and Scott bicker some more. Listener Kaminky isn't happy about being hung up on last episode.  Alex Herrera leaves a voicemail challenging Shaun to NBA Jam.  Shaun and Scott bicker some more.  The guys take some facebook questions and bicker some more.  Shaun plays some clips from past shows concerning Scott.  Shaun tells a story about a family sitting at the same table as him and his girlfriend at a restaurant.  The guys take Scott on an Adventure to Hell and Shaun forces himself on him.  After the adventure, Shaun and Scott do some more bickering.  Shaun asks more sexual questions to his brother.  The guys listen to some response videos from the Angry Juggalo and tear into some new youtube videos from a guy that calls himself Captain Awesome.  To wrap the show, Andy Ts news and Shaun asks more sexual questions to Scott. www.selfindulgentpodcast.com (323) 617 3647