Hospitality: Adventurous Indie Rock With A Sharper Edge

Soundcheck show

Summary: Hospitality just dropped it's second record, Trouble, but you're only in trouble if you don't like warm harmonies, atmospheric synths, and driving rhythms.  While the Brooklyn band's 2012 debut garnered comparisons with Vampire Weekend, Trouble finds Hospitality's songs a touch edgier, more expansive, and perhaps less evocative of green fields than of dark and inviting highways. The trio, made up of Amber Papini, Nathan Michel and Brian Betancourt, make as much use of silence as noise, drawing the listener in to explore the recessive corners of their new work, while the rhythm section propels the tunes with equally deft references to 1980's dance music and 70's rock clubs.  Hear Hospitality perform in the Soundcheck studio to play from its adventurous new album.   Set List: "Sullivan" "Nightingale" "Going Out"   Hospitality is performing as part of a collaboration with Face The Music on Friday in WNYC's Greene Space.