The Spingola Zone - Jan 28,2014

AFP Radio Network show

Summary: Soft-spoken yet extremely hard-hitting, Deanna Spingola is one of the most popular independent voices in the alternative media today. Her radio broadcasts have been ?must? listening for truth seekers around the world, and her books in the ?Ruling Elite? series have captivated readers with their amazing revelations of many heretofore untold ?hidden? facts of history. Deanna's guest is Fritz Paul Berg, who states: ?The holocaust story is a monstrous hoax for four important reasons: 1) no one was ever killed in gas chambers by the Nazis, 2) the numbers of Jews who died in German-occupied Europe is minuscule compared to what is alleged, 3) forensic medical or scientific evidence to support the holocaust gassing claims is non-existent, and 4) Jews were rather well-treated by the Nazis compared with other minorities such as blacks, Hispanics or American Indians in the U.S.