E79 - A Bitcoin World

The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network show

Summary: Shownotes for E79 - A Bitcoin World In what’s got to be the fastest turnaround ever in a Let’s Talk Bitcoin episode, we’re happy to bring you a twenty minute set of exchanges I found particularly interesting from the first panel of January 28ths Bit License hearings taking place in New York City. To succeed, does Bitcoin need to embrace regulation? Lots of perspectives, we’ll let you decide. Over the weekend the North American Bitcoin conference was held in Miami Florida. Record breaking attendance was only one indicator of a very successful event, and today I’m pleased to share another talk from it. NEO and BEE are based out of Cyprus and are on track to be the first brick-and-mortar bitcoin financial institution. We end today's show with George’s talk on how things have gone since their successful fundraiser and upcoming launch. But first, LTB’s Stephanie Murphy caught up with CEO of overstock.com Patrick Byrne about their experiance so far, why they accepted it, when he got his wallet set up and more! Enjoy the show CREDITS Thanks for listening to episode 79 of Let’s Talk Bitcoin! Overstock Interview was produced by Stephanie Murphy, edited by Adam B. Levine, and featured Patrick Byrne and Stephanie Murphy Bit License was graciously provided by the Livestream broadcasting it. Neo with George was Captured and produced by Stephen Malagodi, edited by Adam B. Levine and featured George. Music was provided by Jared Rubens, General Fuzz and Calvin Henderson Questions or comments? Email adam@letstalkbitcoin.com - Have a good one.