Quote Approval, And The Potential For Wyoming Coal In The Northwest

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: The Impending Influx Of Third–Party Spending: Independent PACS are playing a big role in the presidential election. Washington campaign regulators are predicting an upcoming splurge of spending by third-party interest groups. KUOW's Austin Jenkins tells us more. Quote Approval On The Campaign Trail: A few weeks ago Jeremy Peters of the New York Times started a small media fire over the issue of quote approval. This is a growing trend in which reporters must have quotes approved by a source's press office before they can attribute them in print or online. In many cases, the quotes are approved after they've been edited to make the source sound better. Peters pointed out that this practice has become standard operating procedure for both the Obama and Romney campaigns, and how it's seeping into other government institutions like Capitol Hill and the Treasury. The View From Coal Country: What would an influx of Wyoming coal mean for the Pacific Northwest? Proposed coal export facilities in Washington and Oregon would be the quickest and cheapest way to get the fuel exported. KUOW's Ashley Ahearn reports.