Andrea Seabrook Takes On DC, And Today's Marijuana Is Not Your Mother's Mary Jane

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: Potential Leak At Hanford: Scientists and engineers at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation are investigating a possible leak between two walls of a double–shelled nuclear radioactive waste tank. In September, a robotic rover will explore the tank to determine the stability of the vessel and pinpoint where this radioactive material might be coming from. KUOW's Anna King reports. Andrea Seabrook Launches DecodeDC: Former NPR correspondent Andrea Seabrook says the most important stories about Congress are not being told. She's just launched a website with podcasts and blog posts in an effort to share those stories. We'll find out what she thinks is broken and how she thinks it can be fixed. Delegates For Ron Paul Prepare For The Republican National Convention: Delegates, candidates and congressmen are making their way to Tampa, Florida for the Republican National Convention that starts on Monday. Washington state is sending 43 delegates, some of whom are representing Ron Paul. KUOW's Deb Wang talked to four members of Paul's contingent about their hopes for next week's convention. The Potency Of Pot: Voters in Oregon and Washington will decide this November whether to legalize recreational marijuana. Ballot measures in both states would allow the drug to be sold in state–licensed stores. In Oregon, the initiative would allow people to grow their own. Opponents of both legalization measures claim that the marijuana of today is much more potent than the pot smoked decades ago. Salem correspondent Chris Lehman checks the facts in this second part of his two–part series.