Episode 14 - The Clue is in the Name

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: Ah, its elementary my dear Watson, the clue is in the name this week. The song is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0e9GuYRqKA i have 2 very special announcements - listen for them and i leave you hanging until well after the blether as i'm bad like that. I have reports from the Caithness Textile Artist group and my craft group Vimto and also a run through of the Highland Textiles with a Twist exhibition. I also have a lovely yarn from Gaias Colours so please visit www.gaiascolours.com and have a lookie in her shop. The podcast is IMake and you can get her from ITunes or www.imake.gg/page5.htm As ever the music is from Marc Gunn and its Wild Mountain Thyme from www.musicalley.com