When You Give, Jan 26, 2013

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - Matt. 6:1-4 - Luke 6:38 - giving mercy, kindness, etc, not just money - how do you want it reciprocated back to you? - Acts 20:35 - God wants us to enter into the joy of giving - Prov. 11:24-25 - live with open hands, it's all God's and not mine anyway - our intentions don't get anything done, on ly our actions - need an action plan to follow your intentions - which category do you live in? 1. live 2. live-save 3. save-live 4. save-live-give 5. save-give-live 6. give-save-live - 11 giving guidelines to fight the pull of materialism 1. give (Matt. 6:24) 2. give generously 3. give regularly 4. give voluntarily 5. give sacrificially 7. give excellently (2 Cor. 8:7) 8. give cheerfully 9. give worshipfully 10. give more as you make more - God prospers us not to raise our standard of living, but to raise our standard of giving 11. give quietly