Episode 45: The Future of the Game Engine… Podcast

The Game Engine show

Summary: This week, Andrew, Saul and Paul ask the question: what is the Game Engine Podcast? After most of a year of coasting along, the Game Engine Podcast is getting a facelift. A new mission, new format, new length, and new... other things. In this episode we discuss the changes, the biggest of which is an actual mission statement: that nothing is irrelevant to game design. So the question we have for you, our listeners this week is: What do you think is least relevant to game design? You can, as always, contact us through email, twitter, facebook or google+. The episode can be found here on this lovely website, the RSS Feed or iTunes (which we would love some more ratings on if possible). If theres somewhere you cant find us but wish you could, let us know. Thanks again to Jordan DArcy for his mad audio skillz.