SPP 090 – Blogging, Audience Engagement, and Critical Mass

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: We started the show with a few announcements: • We're holding our first-ever SPP "ask us anything" Google Plus Hangout on Thursday, 1/30 at 9pm Eastern time. You should be able to find it here at that time. (We will also record this and post it on our usual YouTube channel, so if you don't have live questions, you may just want to wait.) • Sean and I -- and, it turns, out, MAYBE DAVE -- will be at the South by Southwest (Interactive) festival from March 7-9. We're not hosing a formal meet-up, but we'll hang out and post our whereabouts on social media, so we hope you'll watch our social media accounts and come hang out if you're there. • Our previous SPP guest, writer-specialist lawyer M. Scott Boone, is blogging a copyright course. You can follow it for free here. • Lastly, the Unicorn Western 1 and Fat Vampire 1 Podiobooks (podcast audiobooks) are now available. You can find them online here or can search iTunes to find them. Now, on to the show. We talked a lot about our marketing plans for 2014, mainly centering on what we've already done with the Realm and Sands blog. Our first (and very well-received) blog post was What Defines You? and was followed up with Is Revenge Ever Justified? We have high hopes that doing "old Johnny style epic blog posts" will help us to engage with readers and help us bond people to our fiction. We also talked about how Lexi Maxxwell is doing the same thing on her erotica blog, starting with her first post This is Who I Am (link not entirely NSFW but definitely racy). We talked about how we're officially working with Lexi as producers, so you'll see a lot of similarities between her marketing styles and ours this year… because we're pushing her as much as she's pushing us. This show's transcript is available in full below the video, provided by our sponsor CaptionAccess. If you do any multimedia work at all, you need to be providing transcripts or captioning. Even setting aside the search engine benefits of transcripts, the deaf and hard of hearing market is huge, and almost nobody is serving them. Does that sound like an opportunity to anyone, in addition to making you a generally cool person or company?  You can view the video version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yujLlh4rjA The full show transcript follows, or you can download the PDF version here. ROUGH EDITED COPY SELF PUBLISHING PODCAST #90 JANUARY, 2014   CAPTIONING PROVIDED BY: CAPTIONACCESS contact@captionaccess.com www.captionaccess.com *  *  *  *  * This is being provided in a rough-draft format.  Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings * * * *       Introduction Welcome to the Self-Publishing Podcast, where if you want something done right you've got to do it yourself. Now, here are your hosts, three guys who spend most of their time up in the trees:  Johnny, Sean and Dave. JOHNNY B. TRUANT:  Hello everyone welcome to the Self-Publishing Podcast, the podcast that's all about how to get your words out into the world without contending with agents, publishers, or the other gatekeepers in traditional publishing. I'm Johnny B. Truant, here with the other two thirds of the dynamic trio: Sean Platt, and David Wright.  You know it's funny, Dave, my wife has gotten to the point where she, after the show, asks: How was the podcast? Okay, they were good. Any new Dave stories? And I told her about how the Dave stories on the last one totally kind of bummed me out and made me want to slit my wrists.  I'm like yeah; I'm down because Dave told stories. SEAN PLATT:  I wonder how many -- JOHNNY B. TRUANT: --People say the exact same thing? SEAN PLATT:  How many lives Dave is a part of? I mean how many shadows has he brought into households across the nation? JOHNNY B. TRUANT:  You say very few,