Interesting Facts About Saturn

Universe Today Video show

Summary: This article comes from our archive, but we updated it with this video. Saturn is my absolute favorite object in the night sky. When I was a child, I had a dog-eared book on the Solar System, which I read over and over, stopping and staring with wonder at the section on Saturn. How could a planet have rings of ice? What would it be like to fly out and visit the planet, to see the rings with your own eyes. How did it get all those strange moons? When I was 14, I purchased my first telescope, a 4-inch Newtonian from a local company in Vancouver. It was summer, and one of the first planets, appearing just after sunset was Saturn. And my telescope had just enough power and magnification to resolve the planet and its famous rings. In fact, when I first looked at Saturn through the eyepiece, I couldn't believe that I was now seeing the planet with my own eyes. It didn't look quite like the photographs, but my imagination could fill in the gaps. From those first observations, my fascination with astronomy and Saturn only grew, leading me to a career in science journalism. It's funny to think how far I've come, and how I can trace everything back to those warm summer nights, looking at Saturn. Think you know everything about Saturn? Think again. Here are 10 facts about Saturn, some you may know, and some you probably didn't know. 1. Saturn is the least dense planet in the Solar System Saturn has a density of 0.687 grams/cubic centimeter. Just for comparison, water is 1 g/cm3 and the Earth is 5.52. Since Saturn is less dense than water, it would actually float like an apple if you could find a pool large enough. Of course, why you'd want to ruin a pool with all that hydrogen, helium and ices... 2. Saturn is a flattened ball Saturn spins so quickly on its axis that the planet flattens itself out into an oblate spheroid. Seriously, you see this by eye when you look at a picture of Saturn; it looks like someone squished the planet a little. Of course, it's the rapid spinning that's squishing it, causing the equator to bulge out. While the distance from the center to the poles is 54,000 km, the distance from the center to the equator is 60,300 km. In other words, locations on the equator are approximately 6,300 km more distant from the center than the poles. We have a similar phenomenon here on Earth, where points on the equator are more distant from the center of the Earth, but on Saturn, it's much more extreme. 3. The first astronomers thought the rings were moons. When Galileo first turned his rudimentary telescope on Saturn in 1610, he could see Saturn and its rings, but he didn't know what he was looking at. He though that the rings might actually be two large moons stuck to either side of Saturn - ears maybe? It wasn't until 1655 that the Dutch astronomer Christian Huygens used a better telescope to observe Saturn. He had the resolution to realize that the moons on either side of Saturn were actually rings: "a thin, flat ring, nowhere touching, and inclined to the ecliptic." Huygens was also the first person to discover Saturn's largest moon, Titan. 4. Saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecraft Only 4 spacecraft sent from Earth have ever visited Saturn, and three of these were just brief flybys. The first was Pioneer 11, in 1979, which flew within 20,000 km of Saturn. Next came Voyager 1 in 1980, and then Voyager 2 in 1981. It wasn't until Cassini's arrival in 2004 that a spacecraft actually went into orbit around Saturn and captured photographs of the planet and its rings and moons. Unfortunately, there are no future plans to send any more spacecraft to Saturn. A few missions have been proposed, including such radical concepts as a sailboat that could traverse the liquid methane lakes on Titan. 5. Saturn has 62 moons Jupiter has 67 discovered moons, but Saturn is a close second with 62. Some of these are large, like Titan, the second largest moon in the Solar System.