Beyond Exposure - Sep 30,2013

AFP Radio Network show

Summary: On the Sept. 30 edition of "Beyond Exposure" by AFP Roving Editor Mark Anderson, the guest is Francois de Siebenthal, one of the world's most active and knowledgeable monetary reformers. Learn about the Universal Basic Income (UBI) proposal in Switzerland, which was first covered by the AFP newspaper in the fall of 2012. The UBI is seen as unabashed welfare by some, but as a necessary civil freedom by others. This proposal, for which enough ballot signatures have been gathered, may pave the way to free citizens from their debt shackles by providing purchasing power outside the interest-bearing-loan racket, even though it may carry some social welfare tenets that many conservatives have been led to believe are always a negative. Tune in for a challenging and provocative look at this little-known development.