Get In The Zone 01-11-2014 Now Archived


Summary: This week on Get In The Zone, the BronxFather started us out and introduced “co-host in training” Anthonyfarley.  The two started off the TNA Impact segment by bringing on L-train, who talked about what went down on Impact, especially Magnus becoming the new undisputed TNA champion.  Bronx and L-train were then both shocked into silence as Anthony, yes Anthony, went on a vicious rant about the title change, Dixie Carter and TNA.  Not to be outdone, L-train had a rant of his own regarding the announce teams in wrestling.  After the break the boys broke down Smackdown, which saw the Shield getting a victory yet again, and Randy Orton calling out the Authority to confront them on Raw.  Daniel Bryan’s new role with the Wyatts was talked about, and then Bronx read a few news stories, mainly about Ric Flair and Mae Young.  Bronx then launched into a tirade, and talked crap on everything from shoddy internet news reports, ignorant fans and more.  The guys then closed out the show with some ICP, to end what was basically a show where all three guys cut loose, here on the SNS Radio Network!<br>  <br> <a href=""></a><br>