The Financial Healer - Change Your Self Worth to Increase Your Net Worth

EFT Radio  show

Summary: As we start a new year, have you made the promise to finally have control over your finances, rather than have your finances control you? Have you made the promise before, only to slide  back into your old ways? Is there is too much month left at the end of the money? Does your financial situation prevent you from doing what you really want to do in life? Welcome to The Financial Healer Show with host Mark Bristow Despite working for over 27 years in financial services including Pensions Manger for the largest Independent Financial Advisors in the UK, Mark wasn’t in control of his own finances. It wasn’t until Mark discovered EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and NLP that he really discovered what was necessary to change his net worth. In this very first show, Mark shares some of the changes to your “inner” and “outer game” so that you too can change your self worth to increase your net worth. Get started with your financial healing! Download the first free chapters of Mark Bristow's book “The Financial Healer” at - and schedule a Free 30 minute individual session with Mark Bristow Contact: