The Million Dollar Mindset Quiz

EFT Radio  show

Summary: What is your personal style; your attitude about life and business and how you project it to the world? How do people respond when you walk into a room? Does your energy portray optimism and hope, doom and gloom, or somewhere in between? Do you see yourself as a victim of circumstances or do you find the silver lining in every cloud? Each time we go to a party or event we have the opportunity to experience the energy of others and to project our own. There are people we’re drawn to and there are those whose attitude and energy may prompt us to leave the party early. What is it about their beliefs, attitude and actions that create the difference? Why do those with the more positive energy usually exude success? As Buddha said, “As we think, so we become”. Your thoughts dictate much of life’s outcome. What life events, memories, limiting beliefs hold you back from becoming the joyful, kind, successful spirit that you wish to be? Today I will ask you a series of questions that, to me, define the Million Dollar Mindset. Callers and listeners will have the opportunity to tap away beliefs that arise as a result of my mindset questions. Don’t miss your opportunity to clear your path going into 2011!