STP 012: Your Best Investment is to “Choose Yourself” with James Altucher

Shark Tank Podcast show

Summary: Shouldn't we all have a friend like James? A friend to remind you to breathe deeply, that losing millions of investment dollars isn't the end of the world, to give sage business advice (shall we call it "Angelic"?),  & to not be your wing man at the next wedding reception? I can't do justice to James in a blog post, perhaps I can chip away at him in the PODCAST, but for those who have aspirations of being a successful entrepreneur and all that comes with it...James Altucher's story is a must hear. "Never let ONE PERSON control your destiny, NEVER" - James Altucher James has started and sold a handful of companies, ran a VC firm, traded for hedge funds, held investment in who knows how many companies/products, and is now a successful author of 11 (will be 12 in June) books. His goal seems to be to get up early and make me laugh while reminding me that the only things in life that matter are those that money can't buy. Speaking of this book...who writes a book and tells you he will refund your money after you read it??  James Altucher thats who.  Thank you for coming on my podcast James. "If you want to live longer...look at the top causes of death and avoid them" - James Altucher Click here to send this post out as a Tweet>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enjoy!   In this episode you will hear: Why you should be reading James Altucher Stop the BS -  The article that made ME a believer Success is a product of things you "should not do"  as much as those you should There is no way TO KNOW who will be a winner and who won' make your investment with people smarter that you are How it feels to lose 1 million dollars each week for an entire summer (and how to recover from the mental/physical effects of perceived total failure) Do not equate "net worth" with "self-worth" (Probably my favorite takeaway line from the chat) The only time you know what someone has is when they file for bankruptcy. I give James an idea for a blog post (Effin Aye Cotton!) Why don't you ever have any time??  James explains... James had a job where he walked the streets of NY at 3am...take your best guess... What to do with your money (once you make some)  Same thing Axl Rose said about tattoos ironically Never risk more than x% of your assets on any investment James says "COLLEGE IS A HORRIBLE INVESTMENT" and explains why... What would you need to get James to invest in your business as an Angel... One of the best answers I have received to my "FIX THE COUNTRY" question The new book comes out soon, and James will REFUND YOUR MONEY if you read it. Plus a whole lot more... Right click HERE to download the MP3 Advice from James for entrepreneurs who haven't made it over the hump just yet: Listen to the podcast... Change your haircut (not really) Items we talked about during the Podcast: Choose Yourself! James will pay you back if you read his book - seriously Reservatrol Stop the BS Mangria (I don't drink, but still) Spartos (One of James' many companies) The MastermindTalks group (Does anyone have a ticket going spare?)               Book that James recommends: The Rational Optimist (P.S.)   Tell James you enjoyed his remarks: Twitter: @jaltucher You love the podcast but don't know what to do next??  I can help with that: Click here to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and leave a review. (or Click on Lumberg) Follow @SharkTankPdCast Click here to join the 'Fans of Shark Tank  & ST Podcast' LinkedIn page.   Thank you for checking out the Shark Tank Podcast.  Hopefully you get a feel for how much I love the show and sharing this medium with fellow fans.  PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD! (Seriously, tell 5 people before the end of the day) If you have any suggestions don't hesitate to drop me a line via the contact form or twitter. Until Next Time...Bu-Bye! TJ