Straight From The E-Block show

Summary: The internet has made everyone less personable.  There is so much communication done through electronic transfer that a lot  of people have lost the art of face to face communication.  With that said, the internet has also given people access to information that they once had to actually "TALK" to someone to find out. Now you can just GOOGLE somebody and find out everything you've ever wanted to know!  Some women see it as a preacautionary tactic, but is it a bit more invasive?  Tuesday at 7pm, call into the LIVEST cloud talk radio show in the planet, STRAIGHT FROM THE E-BLOCK!  HOT TOPIC ~ "Is It A Good Idea To Google Someone You Have Just Started Dating?" Call 760.283.4647 and comment LIVE on the air!  You can also see the show broadcast LIVE vis uStream at >>