MIDWEEK - Addicted to Analyzing

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

Summary: Darin and Aimee have an interesting discussion about how easy we Christians tend to bring judgment down on ourselves for taking part in anything that could be considered "self medicating." Most Christians have been confronted at least one time in their life about their consumption of things like caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol or any other mind altering substance. Many of us fall into the trap of over analyzing our every motive with everything we do. We worry excessively whether or not we're self medicating or slowly becoming addicted to something. Are we running from our problems? Are we rejecting what God has for us and relying on something else? Are being mastered by something other than God? Are we not finding enough joy in Christ that we have to substitute it with medication? These questions can drive us crazy and deplete our happiness in the wild.