Fellowship From the Inside Out

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

Summary: Darin and Robert talk about what it really takes to KNOW someones heart. There is a level of intimacy that goes beyond small talk and inside jokes. It's deeper than knowing someones favorite color or what music they like. Knowing God's heart is not about reading Bible verses and taking notes during a sermon. He's not satisfied with studying "about" Him. He created us for a deeper connection. He created us to live from the inside out in our relationship with Him. This only is possible if we experience the same hurts and sorrows that He has experienced. Seeing the world from His perspective takes more than memorization. The great thing about all this is that this level of intimacy that He wants with us, is something that He brings about in the course of our lives. It's not something we can conjure up by trying harder. All we have to do is live life and trust Him.