The Broken Connection

The Free Believers Network - Into the Wild show

Summary: Darin and Aimee Dassele discuss the condition that many of us are in when we exit organized religion and how unaware the average person is as to just how destroyed they really are. Mos of us left our religion with a pretty good idea of how hurt and angry we were. We at least felt that we had a handle on it and knew ourselves pretty well. As we begin to walk in the wild and spend time away from the world of fear and manipulation we start to realize just how devistated we really were from that world. Darin is finding that the longer he lives in freedom, the more he becomes in tune with exactly how hurt he was in the institutional church. This attack went unnoticed becaus from the get-go in the institutional church world, we are all taught to deny ourselves and reject our own heart. Living in the wild is a process where we slowly come back into contact with ourselves and discover the wounds that were left there by religion.