Holistic Health through Food and Nutrition for Longevity

 Radio Show for Women: Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina Wardas  show

Summary: Jane Falke is a Holistic Nutritionist, Health Coach, founder of “The Nutritioniist, Naturally” and author of her book 'Eat Healthy. Be Healthy at Any Age’. Jane's passion is to inspire people who are ready and willing to live a long and healthy life, with the help of whole natural foods. she helps her clients remove the cause of their symptoms, instead of looking for a magic pill to reduce or temporarily remove symptoms. Jane teaches clients who are overweight, stressed, or unhappy with chronic conditions to take control of their health by considering what they eat, drink, and think.At 72, Jane eats a whole food natural diet filled with whole natural foods, and is physically and mentally healthy without the need of medications. Click to get FREE gift and learn more.