#508: A Bet On The Future Of Humanity

Planet Money show

Summary: <p>A famous biologist predicts overpopulation will lead to global catastrophe. He writes a bestselling book and goes on the Tonight Show to make his case.  </p><p></p><p>An economist disagrees. He thinks the biologist isn't accounting for how clever people can be, and how shortages can lead to new, more efficient ways of doing things.  <p></p></p><p>So the economist, Julian Simon, challenges the biologist, Paul Ehrlich, to a very public, decade-long bet. On today's show: The story of that bet, and the ugly precedent it set.  <p></p></p><p></p><p>For more, see <a href="http://yalepress.yale.edu/book.asp?isbn=9780300176483" target="_blank">The Bet</a>, by Yale historian Paul Sabin. We talk to Sabin on today's show.<p></p></p>