Computer America - Monday, January 6, 2014 - Anomo, News

Computer America show

Summary: Hour one: Anomo. Face it, it's not easy to meet new people these days. There's a dynamic social network created wherever we go, but it's difficult to experience it while retaining our privacy. Anomo switches up the social networking world. You use an anonymous avatar and actually get to know the people around you while interacting in games and group or one-on-one chats. Because everyone starts as an avatar, first impressions reach beyond appearance and relationships grow in a more interactive way. You control how much you want to reveal about yourself in each relationship as you go. Joining us will be theĀ  Co-Founder of Anomo, James Sun. Hour one: Craig and Charles do Computer and Technology News, brought to you by Slimware Utilities, the Official Optimization Software of Computer America, and answer your computer questions!