Gratitude (Real Life)

English, baby! Daily Podcasts show

Summary: Did you know there’s one trick that can make you happier almost instantly? It’s called gratitude, and it’s pretty simple: just start saying thank you. Being thankful for the things you have, the people in your life, and even the food you eat and the clothes you wear, can give you a more positive outlook on life. You don’t have to have the most money or the nicest possessions to be happy. You only need to appreciate what you already have. An easy way to practice gratitude is by making an on-going list of things you’re thankful for. Some people use a special book, a gratitude journal, to keep a running tally of the blessings in their lives. If you don’t want to write it down, try to take a few minutes every day to think about the good things you have experienced that day. Even if you’re dealing with a difficult situation, focusing on the positives will help you improve your attitude. Learn who needs an attitude adjustment in this English lesson about being thankful. -- View this and other great English lessons at