Intensives Can Boost Your Recovery with Carol the Coach

Sexual Addiction:Strength/Hope/Recovery show

Summary: Have you ever wondered if as a sex addict, your relationship with your mother, has stifled having a healthy relationhip with your partner???  Or are you a partner of a sex addict who feels confused and lost as to how to proceed in your life? You aren't sure about boundaries, or your own needs and you constantly feel on the back burner? Listen as Dr. Ken Adams talks about 2 intensive workshops that hinders people's abilities to have healthy relationships. In his workshop for men that have enmeshed relationships with their mother, he will talk about how that process creates an erotic template that often times fuses with anger and guilt. This intensive will teach you how to develop strategies to help them to break free from ianappropriate loyalties and learn to live within healthy committments. He will also be talking about the Intensives that he will be leading for spouses and partners of sex addicts. He will teach partners how to establish boundaries, develop goals for sel-care and move towards developing strategies for handling intense emotional, physical, and spiritual symptoms of trauma. If you want to boost your recovery you will need to listen to show. Sexual Addiction can be managed if you utilize a variety of resources. This radio show teaches you the recovery tasks needed to work through the shame that accompanies this compulsion. Carol the Coach has worked with 1000's of clients who have fought this disorder and learned how to manage it and live fully optimal lives. Listen to her as she shares her wisdom and interviews the experts in her field. Carol Juergensen Sheets is a certified sexual addictions counselor and was trained by Dr. Patrick Carnes who has been instrumental in developing programs and clinical skill sets that promote recovery,