Top 10 podcasting news highlights from 2013 – TAP155

The Audacity to Podcast show

Summary: Podcasting continues to grow and 2013 is no exception. Here is a 2013 podcasting year in review. 10. Google Reader retired, FeedBurner offered permanent redirects 9. Stitcher started contributing to download stats 8. Podcast Awards at NMX and featured by iTunes 7. YouTube and Google Hangouts on Air live-streaming 6. Skype almost killed some podcasts 5. Free OS upgrades and renting software 4. Audio podcasts came to radio apps 3. Podcasting gained more attention, again 2. Apple announced 1 billion podcast subscriptions 1. Podcasting patent claim Podcast from average to amazing! Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005