The Whole Indy Show 12-27-13 now archived


Summary: 2013 may be nearly over, but Indy wrestling never rests so another episode of The Whole Indy Show is here for you. Ashley &amp; Sandro are joined by Randy for the first segment covering this week’s news, with a quick rundown of Indy stars of the last year or two on show for NXT’s 200th episode, including the debut/trial of Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards, AJ Styles is heading to the Combat Zone in 2014, an assessment of a very eventful Chikara Ashes video, ‘Where Everybody Knows Your Name’ and PWG announcing the return of DDT4 in January 2014 with the tournament competitors and first round pairings. There’s also results from DragonGate Japan’s PPV from last week and both nights of PWG’s All Star Weekend X, with another great wrestling attire for Kevin Steen.<br> The middle segment has Sandro and Ashley reviewing Beyond Wrestling’s biggest show of the year, Americanrana. A strong card from top to bottom, featuring a 4-way Tag Team match, Drew Gulak taking on Chris Dickinson, Kevin Steen facing Masada and Biff Busick up against Eddie Edwards. Expect crazy spots, a crazy crowd and some of the best matches you may see all year.<br> In the final segment for this year’s series of TWIS, there’s some news from Brian Bertrand on the future of APW, before a preview of this weekend’s two major cards, Absolute Intense Wrestling’s Dead Presidents show and AAW’s One Twisted Christmas event. From everyone on The Whole Indy Show, have a Happy New Year and we’ll see you in 2014.<br> <a href=""></a><br>