12 Things To Do At the End of the Year for a Digital Health Check – HT148

Managing Your Home Tech show

Summary: Christian Johnson (@TheWizBM) and Mike Howard from http://jpeg2RAW.com join Jim (@jcollison) for show #148 of Home Tech Podcast brought to you by the Average Guy Network. Show Music provided by http://mynameisrudolph.com/ Support the Average Guy Tech Scholarship Fund: http://theAverageGuy.tv/amazon Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC at http://theAverageGuy.tv/live Listen Mobile:   Catch Mike Howard's Podcast at http://www.jpeg2raw.com/ [3:59  What is your end of the year Home Tech Checklist?] 12 things you might have some time to do after Christmas dinner! Are your local PC hard drives still spinning? Physical Check (Some Great deals in the HSS (http://homeservershow.com/forums/) and TAG Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/theaverageguy/) lately.  Best time to buy is usually now. Use  http://theAverageGuy.tv/amazon if purchasing from Amazon, HS Tune Pro - http://www.hdtune.com/ ATTO - http://www.attotech.com/ Do an inventory of all your storage locations. Do you know where everything is at? Do you know the condition of them? Run Belarc to do an inventory. http://www.belarc.com/ Are your clients getting backed up? Verify that your backups are working. http://www.code42.com/crashplan/ if you don't have any backup. Might be a good time to check AV? http://www.malwarebytes.org/ or purchase at Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Pro 2013 http://amzn.com/B00AY016T0 What have the kids installed?  Toolbars? Are your cloud accounts still working? What data do you have on them?  Do you have a plan? Do you know if they are all still in business? Do you know which ones you have? http://box.com, http://dropbox.com. http://copy.com https://skydrive.live.com/ Can you actually restore a file? Can you restore from bare metal? Do a real test! The site I referred to during the show is now up and running!  http://theAverageGuy.me Have you consolidated your pictures and videos? Android to Google+ v Windows Phone to Skydrive Good time to get your documents in order and in a 2013/2014 folder. Do you need to scan them in? Do you just take a photo of them? FileCenter -  http://www.lucion.com/filecenter-overview.html NeatDesk - http://amzn.com/B001CQ8ER2 Is the data that just needs to go away? Just because you can keep it, doesn’t mean you should. Is your Windows Home Server v1 getting a little long in the tooth? Is it time for an upgrade to 2011 @ $40 - $50?  http://amzn.com/B0050TVAWS WS2012R2E is now $399 on Amazon - http://amzn.com/B00GAIBC0I Check your UPS battery It is backing everything up, do you know it works? What about your gadgets? Jim's Battery Backup Solution - APC Back-UPS Pro by APC Link: http://amzn.com/B0038ZTZ3W Look through your boxes of old equipment and recycle some of it. Come on, you don’t really need that serial port to USB adapter, do you? Best Buy Recycling Program - http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Global-Promotions/Recycling-Electronics/pcmcat149900050025.c?id=pcmcat149900050025 Check with your friend and remind them to do the same - pass this podcast along to a friend [56:16 Christian's Update] Bluehost - CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP FOR BLUEHOST.COM UpTime Robot - http://uptimerobot.com/ jpeg2RAW Photo Challenge - https://www.facebook.com/groups/jpeg2raw/ Ask the Podcast Coach with Dave Jackson - http://schoolofpodcasting.com/live 9:30am Central on Saturdays Music from the band - http://mynameisrudolph.com/   Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/theAverageGuyTV Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theaverageguy/ If you’d like to subscribe to the show, click on to update your iTunes library, or for other Podcast downloading applications, please click on the RSS Feed and pick your Pod Catcher of choice! Or, you can now stream the show online at Stitcher.