Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day show

Summary: Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for December 22, 2013 is: palpate \PAL-payt\ verb : to examine by touch especially medically Examples: The veterinarian carefully palpated the dog's leg before informing the owner that the animal had suffered a mild sprain. "Kayla Preisler closed her eyes and Courtlynn Pulcini touched her fingers to her classmate's lids, gently palpating the area.… As part of their training, the students recently gave each other all sorts of tests, from audiology screening to eye exams." — From an article by Marie Therese Biebel in the Wilkes Barre Times-Leader (Pennsylvania), October 31, 2013 Did you know? "Palpate" has been part of the English language since at least the mid-19th century. It was probably coined from the preexisting noun form "palpation," which itself traces back to the Latin verb "palpare," meaning "to stroke or caress." Other descendants of "palpare" in English include "palpable," "palpitate," and a synonym of today's word, the verb "palp." Even "feel" itself is a distant cousin of "palpitate," as both words can be linked to the same ancient root word that gave Latin "palpare."