Lightning Talk—Toolbox for the Ocean Health Index and Cumulative Impacts (3072)

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Summary: Managing sustainable use of the oceans necessitates quantifying the diverse array of benefits to humans as well as anthropogenic pressures and resilience measures impacting ecosystems. Cumulative Impacts (Halpern et al., 2008; and the Ocean Health Index (Halpern et al., 2012; provide frameworks to address these complex tasks. We briefly review these frameworks and dive into a new toolbox for applying similar analysis to your region and/or sector of interest. This new toolbox allows for modification of regions, data layers, model equations and other parameters. Three separate interfaces allow for varying levels of automation and use cases: 1) an application for calculating indices, navigating the many connected elements and generating reports with visualizations; 2) a set of form-based tools for use in a scientific GIS workflow (ArcGIS or open-source Kepler); and 3) programming interfaces for full automation (R, Python).