Snapshot of God’s Family – a tour around the world with Paul Jeffrey

Tripp Fuller show

Summary: What better time of year to take a tour of the world and see where God is at work?  Paul Jeffrey is a unique kind of missionary:  a photo-journalist.  He travels the world to chronicle the faces and stories of God's family.  He is an engaging story-teller and (needless to say) an amazing photographer. You can learn more about him and see more of his work below. Now sit back and listen to one of the most unique missionaries you will ever hear. We go to: Philippines Serbia Congo Honduras Nebraska Egypt Then we talk about the nature and complication of missions. If you want to follow-up with Paul, visit his website/blog at or his online gallery. You can also connect to Church World Service. *** If you enjoy all the Homebrewed Christianity Podcasts then consider sending us a donation via paypal. We got bandwidth to buy & audiological goodness to dispense. We will also get a percentage of your Amazon purchase through this link OR you can send us a few and get us a pint!***   Subscribe on iTunes Here!