S06E43 – It’s a Wonderful Ubuntu

Ubuntu Podcast » MP3 show

Summary: Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore, and Laura Cowen are in Studio A with a lot of mulled wine and some mince pies with homemade brandy butter for the forty-third, and final, episode of Season Six of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team! In this week’s show:- We look back at our predications for 2013 and make up some new ones for 2014. We have A Quiz! We also discuss what we’ve been up to lately, including funding yet more crowd-sourcing campaigns, trying out SteamOS, playing games on the Ouya, and photographing the last wedding of the year. We take a look at what’s been happening in the news: Nokia plan a low-end Android handset… Big companies gang up to campaign for government surveillance changes… British Library release Creative Commons images to crowd-source solutions to labelling and retrieval… Report accuses BT of supplying backdoors to GCHQ and NSA… We catch up with what’s been happening in the Ubuntu community: Upgrade paths discussed between 12.10 and later releases… Canonical is forking the Gnome Control Center… Unofficial, cross-platform Ubuntu One app released… Ubuntu Touch will use Trusted Helpers to handle permissions for apps… And Tony entertains us with some games news: Piixl have thrown their hat into the ‘Steam Machine’ ring… We have some Command Line Lurve for grml-rescueboot: Download grml-rescueboot from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot Enter the following commands: sudo apt-get install grml-rescueboot sudo mv ~/Downloads/ /boot/grml/ sudo update-grub Reboot and select in the grub boot menu. And we read your feedback. Here are the links we promise: zsh: http://grml.org/zsh/ shared history: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/1288/preserve-bash-history-in-multiple-terminal-windows other very useful settings: http://blog.sanctum.geek.nz/better-bash-history/ ‘file create time’ on Linux – post from Thomas T’so: https://www.redhat.com/archives/ext3-users/2006-October/msg00015.html ‘file create time’ on Linux – how to find it: Say you wanted to find info on the /etc/hosts file… first determine which device the filesystem is on:- jlewis@DP-16JXJY1:~$ df -h /etc Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 224G 92G 121G 44% / Now, find the inode of the file:- jlewis@DP-16JXJY1:~$ ls -i /etc/hosts 11534495 /etc/hosts Now use debugfs to read the data out of the inode (note, you may need to use sudo depending on your group membership)! jlewis@DP-16JXJY1:~$ debugfs -R "stat " /dev/sda1 debugfs 1.42.8 (20-Jun-2013) Inode: 11534495 Type: regular Mode: 0644 Flags: 0x80000 Generation: 1263086604 Version: 0x00000000:00000001 User: 0 Group: 0 Size: 303 File ACL: 0 Directory ACL: 0 Links: 1 Blockcount: 8 Fragment: Address: 0 Number: 0 Size: 0 ctime: 0x52714720:6b10521c -- Wed Oct 30 17:51:28 2013 atime: 0x52b15332:88eb37f8 -- Wed Dec 18 07:48:02 2013 mtime: 0x52714720:6b10521c -- Wed Oct 30 17:51:28 2013 crtime: 0x526acc8a:3d4a1614 -- Fri Oct 25 20:54:50 2013 Size of extra inode fields: 28 EXTENTS: (0):26249669 Notice that crtime is the extra parameter that “stat” doesn’t normally give you! That’s all for this episode, this season, and indeed this year. We will probably be back in 2014, when we will continue bringing you up to date with all the latest news about Ubuntu and free software. Please send your comments and suggestions to: podcast@ubuntu-uk.org Join us on IRC in #ubuntu-uk-podcast on Freenode Leave a voicemail via phone: +44 (0) 203 298 1600, sip: podcast@sip.ubuntu-uk.org and skype: ubuntuukpodcast Follow our twitter feed http://twitter.com/uupc Find our Facebook Fan Page Follow us on Google Plus Leave us some segment ideas on the Etherpad