Episode 94 - Put Your Hands Up on the Bus

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: Wots e Craic suggests you go enter Louise Scollay's competition <a href="http://www.knitbritish.net/">http://www.knitbritish.net/</a>Podcast recommendations - Down Cellar Studio, Katies Quilting Corner via iTunes and Videocasts KnittingDish via <a href="http://www.knittingdish.com">www.knittingdish.com</a> and Juniper Grace tube via YouTubeZebbie Barback has a hat out called the Staggered Ladders Hat which you can make to see the Hobbit.ReviewI got to review Clare Devines 'Sock Anatomy' ebook which you can buy on Ravelry. <a href="http://www.yarnwithpointysticks.com">www.yarnwithpointysticks.com</a>and I have a coupon for you to get money off too.Have you heard of The Golden Skein yarn club? Well I tell you all about it too. You can find them under The Golden Skein on Pinterest, Twitter and Ravelry before the website goes live on 1 January 2014. Resistance is futile.I announce the competition winner of the Art of Felfs by Cat Bordhi which is raising money for Cancer Research.Mum Mum Mum is on and very busy. This is where you need your hands, yes, you on the bus.I announce the next swap. Sign up by 15 January 2014.Then Me Me Me - Despicable Me Minion Hat by Lauren Irving, Broomstick Crochet Infinity and Beyond scarf by Heidi Neiling, Ponytail hat by Urban Homesteader and Arm Knitting found on YouTube.Wotcha Doing is on. You are all very busy.The music is from <a href="http://www.musicalley.com">www.musicalley.com</a> Snow by Comfortable and Here comes Santa Claus by the Hollywood DrunksYou can contact me on Ravelry as LouiseHunt e-mail as caithnesscraftcollective@gmail.com Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook as CaithnessCraft Flickr as LouiseJ2010<a href="http://www.caithnesscraftcollective.podbean.com">www.caithnesscraftcollective.podbean.com</a><br>