The Principles of Arctic (Cold Weather) Nutrition, Winter Safety, Part 6

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: Winter safety is not just something to wear or get inside of to keep yourself warm.  It’s more about understanding how everything fits together and works in harmony  – synergy is the word.  In short it’s an understanding of all of the “components” involved.  It’s a SYSTEM of understanding, practices and physical items that provide safety and comfort.  In this installment of WSMR we’ll tackle the principles of Arctic (cold weather) nutrition.  This is not a list of what to eat and what to avoid, rather it is the fundamental principles that, once understood, will allow you to make proper decisions in what is best to feed your personal biological furnace.  Feeding this furnace and keeping the fire alive is fundamental to your comfort and safety. Jim Phillips is a nationally known speaker and teacher who has professionally taught thousands of classes all across the United States for 40 years.  For a number of years prior to this career, his hobby was teaching cold weather safety & survival.  Jim is a strong advocate of self-reliance living and family preparedness.  He developed an entire preparedness curriculum by asking himself the question "What if?" and then setting out to discover what actually does and does not work.  The answers he seeks (and then teaches) must be based on true principles derived from first hand experience.  He encourages his students to develop a powerful positive purpose and mission to focus on in order to carry them through the serious challenges of life. Visit