LOTL Radio Welcomes Grammy Award-winning saxophonist Kenny Garrett

LOTL-Radio The Comfort Zone show

Summary: KENNY GARRETT  DEBUTS HIS NEW CD PUSHING THE WORLD AWAY    For his third Mack Avenue Records release, Pushing the World Away, alto/soprano saxophonist,  composer/bandleader Kenny Garrett literally had to “push away” a steady flow of distractions to get to the  inner core of the album, shifting priorities in his schedule and diving deep into the essence of the music.    “I’m always writing, so coming up with the music wasn’t a problem,” says Garrett, who is arguably the most  imitated alto saxophone player in jazz. “But I had been traveling a lot with my band, and I don’t rehearse new  material on tour. Yet to record an album requires a lot of preparation and to conceptualize the music I had to  push away to receive the blessings and gifts from these songs.”    On Pushing the World Away, Garrett continues to mature as a composer. As the late Mulgrew Miller, his  close friend for many years, noted in a DownBeat feature on the saxophonist last year: “Kenny has always  had a great sound from the beginning. He had his own unique sound, but [thanks to his compositions] that  sound has transformed into a more captivating and lyrical voice.”    Garrett, in turn, nods to the pianist who he had known for more than 30 years on the jaunty, upbeat and at  times explosive opening track of the album, “A Side Order of Hijiki,” which is decidedly not about the hijiki  culinary seaweed. “No seaweed,” says Garrett who takes an expansive alto flight on this track. “It’s actually  the word that Mulgrew used to describe my playing style. He would say, ‘I hear you playing that hijiki’.”