Upper Intermediate #24 - Invest Your Money Carefully in Hong Kong

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A:我哋嘅網站適用於所有人,會員數量絕對有保証。 B:你哋嘅網站有咩功能?可以提供咩服務? A:揀車,買車,汽車保養,我哋提供一條龍服務。想買車嘅,已經有車嘅,都需要我哋嘅網站。 B:咁同車房有咩分別呀? A:有呀,我哋係網站,佢哋係實體店呀。我哋幾咁方便快捷。 B:嗯,有道理。 A:所以你投資我哋係實賺嘅。 B:我想睇下你哋個網站。 A:呢個... 仲要一個月,而家網站仲設計緊。 B:吓... A:不過,你放心,投資我哋絕對係正確嘅選擇。 ----English---- A: Our website targets everyone, the members count is absolutely secured. B: What kind of function does your website have? What kind of service does it provide? A: We offer one-stop service including car selection, purchase, and maintenance. Our website is useful for those who want to buy a car, as well as those who already have a car. B: Then what's the difference between this and the car shops? A: Of course, we are a web site, they are the actual store. We are more convenient. B: That's true. A: So if you invest in us you'll earn for sure. B: I want to see the website. A: Oh...the site is still being designed, it needs another month. B: So... A: But don't you worry, investing in us is the absolute right choice. ----Pinyin---- A: ngo5 dei6 ge3 mong5 zaam6 sik1 jung6 jyu1 so2 jau5 jan4, wui5 jyun4 soi3 loeng6 zyut3 deoi3 jau5 bou2 zing3. B: nei5 dei6 ge3 mong5 zaam6 jau5 me1 gung1 nang4? ho2 ji5 tai4 gung1 me1 fuk6 mou6? A: gaan2 ce1, maai5 ce1, hei3 ce1 bou2 joeng5, ngo5 dei6 tai4 gung1 jat1 tiu4 lung4 fuk6 mou6. soeng2 maai5 ce1 ge3, ji5 ging1 jau5 ce1 ge3, dou1 seoi1 jiu3 ngo5 dei6 ge3 mong5 zaam6. B: gam2 tung4 ce1 fong4 jau5 me1 fan1 bit6 aa6? A: jau5 aa6, ngo5 dei6 hai6 mong5 zaam6, keoi5 dei6 hai6 sat6 tai2 dim3 aa6. ngo5 dei6 gei2 gam3 fong1 bin6 faai3 zit3. B: ng4, jau5 dou3 lei5. A: so2 ji5 nei5 tau4 zi1 ngo5 dei6 hai6 sat6 zaan6 ge3. B: ngo5 soeng2 tai2 haa5 nei5 dei6 go3 mong5 zaam6. A: ni1 go3... zung6 jiu3 jat1 go3 jyut6, ji4 gaa1 mong5 zaam6 zung6 cit3 gai3 gan2. B: haa5... A: bat1 gwo3, nei5 fong3 sam1, tau4 zi1 ngo5 dei6 zyut3 deoi3 hai6 zing3 kok3 ge3 syun2 zaak6. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!