S06E42 – No Country for old Ubuntu

Ubuntu Podcast » MP3 show

Summary: We’re back with the forty-second episode of Season Six of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore, and Laura Cowen are drinking tea and eating chocolate cake in Studio A. In this week’s show: We discuss Alan’s new toy, a 3Doodler: We also discuss poisoning someone, going to ThingMonk, Doom 3 BFG edition is being ported to Linux, and fixing a laptop under warranty. We share some Command Line Lurve: explainshell.com. And we read your feedback. We’ll be back next week for the last episode of Season 6, so please send your comments and suggestions to: podcast@ubuntu-uk.org Join us on IRC in #ubuntu-uk-podcast on Freenode Leave a voicemail via phone: +44 (0) 203 298 1600, sip: podcast@sip.ubuntu-uk.org and skype: ubuntuukpodcast Follow our twitter feed http://twitter.com/uupc Find our Facebook Fan Page Follow us on Google Plus