Jackson County Food Banks Reach 1-Million Lbs

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p></p><p class="MsoNormal">The Jefferson Exchange: December 13, 2013 Hour 1A:</p><p class="MsoNormal"><b>Jackson County Food Banks Reach 1-Million Lbs</b></p><p>The green bags caught on. A few years back, when John Javna and company started the <strong><a href="http://ashlandfoodproject.com/" target="_blank">Ashland Food Project</a></strong>, they kept count of how many pounds of food each drive collected. Six times a year, families saving up food for donations put those donations out for collection.  Now there are Neighborhood Food Projects in Ashland, Medford, and several other cities. And the milestone of one million pounds collected will be met this month.  We review the history and future of the Food Project concept with John Javna.</p>