Scott Corrales: Hispanic Ufology and the State Of UFO Studies

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: Scott has been a friend since the mid-1990s, when I published a report of his on the then-new chupacabras phenomenon. We recorded this show as a phone call on August 8th. The conversation ranged from the state of UFO studies to the legendary UMMO affair (another subject which Corrales knows well.) We also talked about the differences in UFO study between Latin American countries and the USA, and what Spanish and South American researchers think of their American counterparts. We ended with a reading of a very strange experience from a Spanish abduction researcher, which I requested that Scott read in the original Spanish text. I really liked this. The song at the end, El Aparto (The Device) is from the Mexico City-based band Cafe Tacuba and is about UFO abduction. Hat tip to RadMist friend Red Pill Junkie for this.