T.R.'s Roots: "Heir To The Empire City"

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p>The Jefferson Exchange: December 12, 2013, Hour 2:</p><p></p><div class="wysiwyg-asset-image-wrapper inset"><div class="wysiwyg-asset-image"></div></div><p>Any discussion of American President Theodore Roosevelt often goes straight to his tough-guy image. Yes, he charged up San Juan Hill in Cuba with a unit called The Rough Riders. Yes, he actually delivered a speech with a bullet still in his body, after being shot. But Roosevelt's image belied his background as the privileged son of a prominent New York family.  His work in and for New York is the subject of Edward P. Kohn's book <a href="http://www.perseusacademic.com/reviews.php?isbn=9780465024292" target="_blank"><em><strong>Heir to the Empire City: New York and the Making of Theodore Roosevelt</strong></em>.  </a></p>