Know The Ledge Radio show

Summary: Join us for another explosive episode of KTL RADIO.  Tonight we will be posing a somewhat elusive but necessary question to the listeners...what are the most important steps needed to advance our "collective" vision into the realm of fruition rather than just speculation?  Is it possible to advance as a person/people/collective/network/community if your vision is limited?  Is it possible to move forward with a nigga mentality? Is God a NIGGA?  Can both occupy the same place at the same time or do they cancel one another out? Niggerism is a state of mind that has its place in time, but has that time reached it's end? Is it destroying our ability to forge this new "world" we speak so feverently and eloquently about? Is the world you belong to now a self imposed prison...a simulation program called the Matrix that you are willfully participating in?  Can you destroy this world (state of mind creates YOUR reality) and rebuild a new one in one lifetime?  And most importantly, what does ALL this have to do with KTL EMPOWERMENT??  Tune in tonight for a SPECIAL broadcast