Episode 250 - PowerScripting Podcast - Julian Dunn from Chef on Configuration Management and PowerShell

PowerScripting Podcast show

Summary: Julian Dunn on configuration management and Chef Interview Guests - Julian Dunn Links here's the "marketing" entrypoint for Windows - http://www.opscode.com/solutions/windows/ and here's the "tech person's reference manual entrypoint" to Windows - http://docs.opscode.com/windows.html random chef code example i found on the internet: http://cookingclouds.com/2012/06/23/chef-simple-cookbook-example/ here's another: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Garlic-Chicken/Detail.aspx?evt19=1 http://community.opscode.com/ this article isn't new but seems interesting, talks about when they first went windows. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/10/24/opscode_chef_does_windows/ https://www.google.com/search?q=decadal&oq=decadal&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.4531j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=91&espv=210&q=decadal+definition Chatroom Buzz- ## If DSC and Chef are simular and I haven't used either, why would I learn Chef over DSC at this point? ## tell us more about configuration management of some "non-traditional" nodes like the network and storage hardware that you mentioned earlier ## Do you use PSH within Chef? ## please igonre if already asked.  Does it work with clients or just servers. Does it have a client install piece? ## what about "what clients are supported", XP, Win7 Server 2003 etc... ##As an enterprise why should I consider Chef over Puppet.  Sorry if this has been addressed ## what about cost? ## if you have a run list and one thing fails, how is the admin notified that it failed, how easy is it to recover? ## how many cookbooks exist today and how ofter do new ones get added/updated? ## if the cookbooks are community created/driven, how is the quality of the cookbook verified?  Does anyone validate the cookbook? ## how long has Chef been "in the business".  In other words can I trust it to be around for the long term in light of DSC? ## does it maintain a "state" or is it primarly used for installation of software? ## wait wait.... just kidding The Question - Hero/Power Superman