Fire Up! #01/11-Stephen Ferris & Brett Oaten-Rd 1 Preview: We take 4 months off and the Code is in Crisis. Enough said

FBi's Fire Up! show

Summary: The NRL is a code in crisis. Are there any clubs not in crisis? And we discover the special "Code in Crisis" alert system at the Daily Telegraph. Detective Snoop Dogg investigates the use of gang symbols (such as love hearts) in team photos. All the off-season news including Benji's punch, Todd Carney's early morning business meeting, Mitchell Pearce's butt-building workout regime to get a Joey Johns style bucket arse and Greg Inglis starts eating everyone in League. We come up with a solution to help the NRL in their time of crisis. Ricky Stuart thinks about going to University. A proposition is put forward that the NRL take the "Our House" theme one step further and set up a huge house for all the players and make a reality TV show out of it a la carte Big Brother. Featuring the John Elias Shame File. Don't forget to continue the farce at or if you dare encourage us, buy merchandise at