Ruby on Rails Routing

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Summary: Ruby on Rails routing can be a little confusing. Here are some of the high points. The root path is specified by the 'root' method. It matches the '/' path and behaves like 'match'. The 'match' method will match the requested path to the string passed to match and route to the controller and action specified. # Sends requests to /users/list to PeopleController#index match "users/list", :to => "people#index" You can also extract variables from the path. # Matches /user/1/edit and passes '1' in params[:id] match "users/:id/edit", :to => "users#edit" You can specify which HTTP request methods are valid for a route. get "users/index" match "users/index", :to => "users#index", :via => :get You can also name a route and use the related helper methods. match "users/index", :to => "users#index", :as => "user_index" #In some controller or view user_index_path # => "/users/index" user_index_url # => "http://localhost:3000/users/index" You can also create RESTful resources around a model. See the Rails Guides for details. resource :user Finally, you can add to a RESTful resource when needed. # allows you to post to '/users/1/make_admin' and get '/users/show_admins' resource :user do post :make_admin, :on => :member get :show_admins, :on => :collection end